Go Back In space - Taken from Sweden  


Object: IC 1805, IC 1705 - Heart nebula (part of) in Cassiopeia, magnitude 6,5, distance 6150 ly - 2023-02-26
Discovered by: William Herschel in 1787
Note: Heart Nebula is an emission nebula in the constellation Cassiopeia. IC 1795 Fishead nebula is in the upper left part and in this is also the bright NGC 896 which was the first part to be discovered.
Telescope=Astro-Tech-AT-65Q-FL=420mm Camera=ZWO-ASI-1600M-Pro-Cool Exposures=HA 20x300, OIII 10x300, SII 10x300 Bin 1x1
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@2024 Jimmy Klapp