Go Back In space - Taken from Sweden  


Object: Messier 27 - Dumbbell nebula in Vulpecula, magnitude 7.5, distance 1360 ly - 2023-09-05
Discovered by: Charles Messier in 1764
Note: M27 is a planet Nebula. The word Nebula is latin and means cloud or mist. The word planet nebula comes from an early astronomer whom thought M27 looked like a planet when observing it. M27 is also known as the Apple Core Nebula and NGC 6853. HA+O3+O3 combination. Taken during 2 nights.
Note: The satellites are getting more and more on the sky. During the first 10x5 minutes pictures there was sattelite trails on seven of them, one trail was very bright and passed right trhough the nebula so I had no choice then to bin that picture. The rest of the 4 hour session had a more normal presence of satellites.
Telescope=Sky-Watcher-Explorer-190MN-Pro-FL=1000 Camera=ZWO-ASI-1600M-Pro-Cool Exposures=No data Bin 1x1
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@2024 Jimmy Klapp