Go Back In space - Taken from Sweden  


Object: Do not know - ?, magnitude, distance - 2024-09-04
Discovered by:
Note: This pictures are 5 of a 20 pics serie, 20sec/pic , 5 sec pause/pic, taken 4 sep 2024. Images are cut from upper right corners of the 5 pictures.
Not knowing I must have touched the lens making it out of focus, thus 98 pics is sadly ready for the bin.
Today I checked all of the 98 bad pics and found this, IMG_9205 has 2 extra light dots on it, almost looking like stars, if the picture not where in a serie I would never seen it.
The dots are not present on the pictures before or after, Its hard to see the 2 dots as moving thing as it should leave a line of some kind, and rotating satellites looks more like a prolonged diamond.
There is of course a logical explanation to this so if you knows or have a good idea please let me know.
Telescope=Samyang-2,8-FL=14mm Camera=Canon90D-unmodified Exposures=20 sec ISO 6400
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Second version of picture: Version 2

Comment the picture: Comment


@2024 Jimmy Klapp