Go Back In space - Taken from Sweden  


Object: Galaxy - Milky way, magnitude, distance - 2024-05-12
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Note: I was surprised over this picture as is should not really be possible to take. Of course there are room for improvements but still.
Taken after midnight in the nautical twilight (sun angle -12°), bortle 4 and the Milky way was just above the horizon, seen just a little bit below this picture.
The humidity was not so high as I never got any fog on the lens this night.
You could see a good amount of stars when looking straight up, so it was rather clear, however looking around at the horizon there was haze all around in the sky.
Using RAW and Pixinsight, stacking 28 pictures mainly around 12-15 secs shots
Telescope=Samyang-2,8-FL=14mm Camera=Canon90D-unmodified Exposures=28x2-16sec ISO 6400
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@2024 Jimmy Klapp