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Go back | Not fun when this happens but after a while I can actually laugh at it. The Black woodpecker |
This bird is on my wanted list. I have not seen it since I was a kid. This day I was on my way to the car when the woodpecker was jumping around on the ground seeking food. It was close, 5-7 meters no more and it did not care so much about me. It would be a great picture. Placed the camera and started to take pictures. No matter what I did the camera refused to focus on the bird, as you can see it focused on everything else and the bird was moving rather fast. When I decided to focus manually the bird moved into the shade and short after that the bird flew away and landed on the backside of tree 15 meters away. Now of course out of my sight. I carefully moved forward but I must have looked away at some point because there was no bird there anymore. |
@2025 Jimmy Klapp, All rights reserved |