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I lives in southern Sweden in Höör and now days I am retired so I have a lot of time for my beloved hobbies.

My interest for wildlife, astronomy, model building and photography goes back as long as I can remember.

When I was twelve I got a small little telescope so at least I could come closer to the moon and maybe se a crater or two. I really do not recall if it enlarged 10x or 20x or 50x but it was a toy and the craters where hard to see, they where there.. just. There was a photography shop in town that had a telescope (refractor) which was much better than my toy,  I remember standing and looking on it many times, but my wish for it was only a dream, this was back in the early 70´s.

When I was 18 I purchased my first camera, a Canon AV1 with a 50mm lens. It gave me some nice pictures but I wanted to get closer to objects and yet again the need for money got in the way.
A few years later I learned how to develop black and white negatives and put in paper.
Then the interest faded down when I got a family and a house to take care of.

Around 2010 the interest woke up again and I bought myself an Olympus digital mirror camera, this camera was not good. I had it a few years until I finally gave up and purchased a Canon 70D instead, this camera has given me many good pictures but I was not yet ready to take full control
over the camera so most of the pictures was done with “Auto” setting.

2016 I finally had time for my lifelong interest of amateur astronomy. I got some telescopes and a mount to make this happen. It has given me so much joy and a lot of extra grey hairs as well due all the problems I have faced with the equipment. But the joy of doing it, still is larger than the downhills so I am still doing it.

2020-21 woke my model building interest again. When I was a kid I build a few plastic models and I really enjoyed it. My interest in building a wooden model grew during my youth and as always I was lacking the very same thing. Actually I was not ready for it as the need for tools and a place to be was not present, I guess my patience was not ready either. For me this hobby is rather demanding so I leaves and comes back to it over time.

2024 I wanted to upgrade from my Canon 70D and I had some thoughts over what to purchase.
Should I go over to mirrorless or continue with mirror, should I continue with Canon at all?
I ended up buying a Canon 90D, my choice was done because I have a few lenses to my Canon 70D which all fits on Canon 90D as well. If I bought anything else I had to replace everything and I tried to keep my budget down (I thought). Doing so I am now learning how to really handle the camera and that is not in “Auto” mode, still learning and learns a little here and there.

When it is season here for dark enough skies my astro gear comes out when the weather allows it.

For “normal” photography I take pictures of many things but the main targets have become birds and some night and sky events.

This year (2024) I have been moving around a little more than before to catch a little more variety of birds even some rare ones. My travel distance is what I can reach with my car in about one hour, so all my pics is more or less locally. And with good company everything is much more fun.

Jimmy Klapp

@2025 Jimmy Klapp